Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What happens at the end of my paid subscription?
  • 1 month before your subscription runs out, you'll be notified that you need to renew it. From this point forward, we'll remind you of how much time you have left to complete a subscription renewal each time you log in to your safe.
  • The subscription status indicator shows a warning flag as a second reminder to renew your subscription.
  • Additionally, we'll inform you of the upcoming subscription expiration by email.
  • If you let your subscription expire, your account doesn’t disappear. You can renew it by logging in to it from any web browser (not from a phone or tablet) and go through the appropriate steps to complete a renewal.
  • If you don't renew your subscription, you will no longer be able to access your SecureSafe (until a renewal has been completed).

Be aware that we do not automatically charge your credit card for account renewals.

I forgot my username – what can I do?

We recommend that you log in to the email account that is connected to the email address you used to create your SecureSafe. Search for “SecureSafe welcome” and you are likely to find the welcome email that we sent you when you created your SecureSafe. This email will contain your username.

If you cannot find this email, we recommend using your recovery code to regain access to your SecureSafe. On your printout of the PDF document containing the code, you will find instructions on how to use the recovery code. If you follow these instructions, you will be able to retrieve your username.

If you have neither your welcome email, nor your recovery code, please contact our support team via this contact form.

My account is locked, what should I do?

For security reasons, an account is locked temporarily if more than 10 consecutive failed login attempts have been made. You must wait for 30 minutes until your account is unlocked again. If you have enabled 2-factor authentication, you only have to wait 5 minutes for your account to be unlocked.

How can I reset my account if I forgot my password?

To reset your account, follow these steps:

  1. Find your recovery code document / PDF.
  2. Go to:
  3. Enter your 36-character recovery code into the appropriate fields.
  4. Click “Continue”.
  5. You can now specify a new password and regain access to your account.

Due to our zero knowledge system architecture it is not possible for SecureSafe to reset your password nor can we send you a copy of your unique recovery code. We simply do not store your password anywhere in our system. Without your password or recovery code, your data will therefore be irretrievably lost.

How can I renew / upgrade my subscription?

If you would like to upgrade or renew your SecureSafe subscription, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your SecureSafe using your preferred browser.
  • Click your username in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.
  • Choose “Upgrade / renew subscription” in the drop-down menu.
  • An overview of available upgrade / renew options appears. If you have a voucher code, enter it in the upper left hand-side corner.
  • Choose the relevant account type and subscription length for your upgrade / renewal.
  • Choose between "Pay with credit card" and “Pay with PayPal” and you will be guided to the payment system.

What is the recovery code?

The recovery code is a unique 36-digit code that allows you to regain access to your SecureSafe account, if you have forgotten your username or password. You can only create and print the recovery code from within your SecureSafe.

How can I send files securely?

SecureSend is a feature that allows you to securely send files to any recipient directly from your SecureSafe account. To use it, simply follow these steps:

In the web interface:

  1. Log in to your SecureSafe using your preferred browser.
  2. Choose any file, right click it and choose “Send” in the menu that appears.
  3. A new window appears. Fill out the needed information such as recipients email address.
  4. If you have a paid account, choose whether you want to protect your file with an additional security code and restrict the time it will be available for download.
  5. Click “Send file” to complete the transmission.

From an iOS / Android device:

  1. Log in to your SecureSafe from your iOS / Android device.
  2. Select the file you want to send in your SecureSafe (maximum 1 file at a time).
  3. Press the three yellow dots to the right of the file and choose "Send securely" in the menu selection that appears.
  4. Fill out the information form with recipient's email address, message etc.
  5. Press "Send securely" to start transmitting the file.
I do not receive a text message / SMS on my cell phone and I cannot log in.

This problem may be caused by several different circumstances. Here are some steps that may fix it:

  • Follow this link and we will send you a few SMS messages using different routes to find a route that is working for your mobile.
  • Customers from Switzerland: Please contact eCall directly by e-mail.
  • Wait a short time. Depending on the phone provider and country, it can sometimes take a little longer until the SMS is received.
  • You are in an area or room without cellular reception. Make sure that your cell phone has reception.
  • You have entered an incorrect cell phone number.
  • Try accessing again at another time or from another location.
How can I redeem a voucher for a private safe?

If you already have a SecureSafe account, use your voucher code to upgrade or renew your account:

  1. Log in to your SecureSafe using your preferred browser.
  2. Click your username in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.
  3. Choose “Upgrade / renew subscription” in the drop-down menu.
  4. Insert your voucher code into the field "I have a voucher".
  5. You can now see the discount you will receive with your voucher.
  6. Choose the relevant account type and subscription length for your upgrade / renewal.
  7. Choose between "Pay with credit card" and “Pay with PayPal” and you will be guided to the payment system.

If you don't have a SecureSafe account yet, use the voucher to create a new account:

  1. From any browser of your choice, go to
  2. Insert your name, email, desired password etc. into the appropriate fields.
  3. Tick off the "I have read and agreed to the terms of service" box.
  4. Choose "Create new account".
  5. Insert your voucher code into the field "I have a voucher".
  6. You can now see the discount you will receive with your voucher.
  7. Choose the relevant account type and subscription length for your upgrade / renewal.
  8. Choose between "Pay with credit card" and “Pay with PayPal” and you will be guided to the payment system.
How can I activate 2-factor authentication?

To activate 2-factor authentication for your SecureSafe account, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your SecureSafe using your preferred browser.
  • Click your username in the upper right-hand corner of your screen.
  • Choose “Settings” in the drop-down menu.
  • Click the “Login & password” option.
  • Choose “Secure login with username, password and SMS (mTan)” to activate 2-factor authentication.

Be sure to check that you have selected the correct country code and provided your current mobile number before you switch on 2-factor authentication.

Also be sure to print out your recovery code, which will be your ONLY way to regain access to your SecureSafe, should you lose your phone.

What is Mail-in?

Mail-in is an integrated email inbox included in your SecureSafe. When external service providers or people send emails to your SecureSafe email address, the email content and all attachments will be saved directly in your safe.

How can I delete my account?

To delete your account, follow the steps below:

  • Log in to your SecureSafe account using the browser of your choice.
  • Click your username in the upper right-hand corner.
  • Select "Settings" from the dropdown menu that appears.
  • Click "Account", then choose "Delete Account".

Important notes:

  • If you delete your SecureSafe account, all files and passwords stored in it will be irretrievably deleted.
  • If you are a member / admin of any Team Safe(s), you must leave / delete them all before you can delete your SecureSafe account.
How can I contact the support team?

If you did not find a solution to your issue in our FAQ and you have a paid SecureSafe subscription, please contact our support team via the support form.

What can I do if I receive the error message "Invalid username or password" even though I have used my correct login details?

If you receive the error message "Invalid username or password" when logging in to our desktop and mobile applications or the browser extension, please try logging in via the SecureSafe web version at

Questions about the
mobile apps
I have lost my cell phone. What can I do?

If you have activated 2-factor authentication and lost your mobile phone, please contact our support.

Touch ID/Fingerprint Authentication does not work on my device. What can I do?

For iPhone/iPad users:

To use Touch ID to log in to your SecureSafe account, the following criteria must be fulfilled:

  • Your device must have a Touch ID sensor (available on iPhone 5S or later models and iPad Air 2 or later models).
  • Your device must have iOS 8 or later installed.
  • The Touch ID feature must be activated to unlock the device.
  • Touch ID must be manually enabled in the Settings tab of the SecureSafe app or via the setup wizard (on first login).

For Android phone users:

To use Fingerprint Authentication to log in to your SecureSafe account, the following criteria must be fulfilled:

  • Your Android device must have a fingerprint sensor.
  • The Fingerprint Authentication login for SecureSafe is only supported by devices with Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) or later installed.
  • The Fingerprint Authentication feature must be activated to unlock the device.
  • Fingerprint Authentication must be manually enabled in the Settings tab of the SecureSafe app or via the setup wizard (on first login).
How can I activate and use the autofill function on an Android phone?

Activate autofill for Android

  • Log in to your SecureSafe.
  • Go to “Settings”.
  • Activate “Fingerprint Login”.
  • Activate "Login without internet connection".
  • Activate "Autofill service".

Use autofill for Android

  • Open the app, which you want to log in to.
  • Activate the username field and choose “Check within SecureSafe”.
  • You are asked to verify your identity via Fingerprint.
  • Select the saved password entry.
  • Your username and password are automatically copied into the login fields.

You must have Android 9.0 or higher to use the autofill feature. Currently the feature is supported by a limited number of apps such as the Facebook and Twitter app. Amongst browsers, it is supported by Firefox Focus only. Please be aware that it is not up to SecureSafe but to the individual app / browser providers whether they support this feature or not.

How do I use "Login without internet connection"?

"Login without internet connection" enables SecureSafe mobile app users to access their stored passwords without internet access. In order to use this function, you must activate it while having internet access. Please be aware that you cannot create new passwords nor edit existing ones when using "Login without internet connection".

First, make sure you have set up "Login without internet connection". Follow these steps to do so:

  1. Open the SecureSafe mobile app so that you see the login screen.
  2. Choose “Settings”.
  3. Go to "Login without internet connection".
  4. Activate "Passwords available without internet connection" by swiping the slider to the right.
  5. Log out to automatically create an encrypted copy of your passwords on your smartphone.

You can now log yourself in to your safe without internet connection. Follow these steps to do so:

  1. Open the SecureSafe app (login page).
  2. Before you log in, swipe the slider “Login without internet connection” to the right.
  3. Press the “Login” button to access offline mode.
How can I use password categories?

Password categories enables you to organize your password entries according to your needs.

Assign or create new password categories

  • Log in to your preferred SecureSafe app (web, mobile or desktop) and select your password safe.
  • Add a new password entry or edit an already existing password entry.
  • To create a new password category, select “Add category”.
  • Alternatively, you can assign an already existing category to your password.
  • Finish by hitting “Save”.

As soon as a category is no longer used, it disappears automatically.

How can I enable and use the password autofill feature on my iPhone?

Note: Please note that Face ID/Touch ID must be enabled in the settings in SecureSafe.

Activate the autofill function:

  1. From your iPhone, go to "Settings" and select "Passwords & Accounts".
  2. Then, select “Autofill Passwords”.
  3. From here, allow autofill by the SecureSafe app.

Use the autofill function for a web login:

  1. From your iPhone, open any browser of your choice.
  2. Select the username or password field.
  3. The correct username-password combination automatically appears for you to select.
  4. To prevent misuse, you’re prompted to identify yourself with either TouchID or FaceID.
  5. Your username and password are copied into the correct fields and you’re ready to log in.

Use the autofill function for an app login

If you wish to use autofill to log in to an app, open it and go to the login page, then follow the same steps as for a web login.

Questions about
browser extension
How can I delete passwords?

You can delete passwords via the context menu "Delete password" or in the edit mask.

How can I edit passwords?

You can edit passwords via the "Edit password" context menu or via the “Autosafe function” when editing an existing login on the corresponding website.

How can I add passwords?

You can add passwords via the "Add new password" button in the main window of the browser extension or via the "Autosafe function" directly when registering on the corresponding website.

How can passwords be entered directly into the login field?

Once you have loaded a login page, you will be prompted to log in to SecureSafe – if you are not already logged in. Your password entries will then be displayed directly in the corresponding field. As soon as you select the desired entry, it will be transferred to the login field.

Can 2-factor authentication be used for the browser extension?

Yes, 2-factor authentication can be activated in the web and mobile app. It will then automatically be activated for the browser extension as well. If you trust your browser, you can also configure your settings so that the 2nd factor is only required when you log in to the specific browser for the first time. A secret key is then stored locally in the browser, which is automatically renewed before each new login. This can be reversed in the settings.

How can I automatically insert passwords into the login field?

Search for the password entry using the search field. Select the desired password entry with the mouse and click on the "Fill in" button to automatically populate the login fields.

How do I log in to the SecureSafe password manager via the browser?

Open the SecureSafe password manager by clicking on the SecureSafe icon in the top right-hand corner of the browser bar. Now log in with your SecureSafe username and password. If you do not yet have a SecureSafe account, you can register for free via our web or mobile app.

Questions about file synchronization
for PC and Mac
What do I need to do to activate local encryption in SecureSafe with Apple Silicon Mac?

Learn how to install SecureSafe on a Mac running on the latest Apple SiliconM1 chip.

Apple introduced the new M1 chip architecture in November 2020. Apps that rely on virtualization can therefore not be executed. The SecureSafe DesktopApp runs a virtual file system, which is used as soon as encryption is activated. Another example of software that uses a virtual file system is Parallels Desktop.

SecureSafe uses FUSE for this reason. It is a system extension developed by a third party named Benjamin Fleischer. In macOS 11.2.x, however, there is a bug that can prevent the execution of third-party kernel extensions. According to information from FUSE developer Benjamin Fleischer, this will be changed in the future, and if you are running an M1 Mac, there is a workaround described below. Follow the instructions below and you can use your favorite app on an M1 Mac again.

Step 1: Download MacFUSE here:

Step 2: Open the .dmg file and

Step 3: Allow the execution

Step 4: Start the installer and click through the wizard.  

Step 5: Enter your user name and password.

Step 6: Complete the installation by opening the Security & Privacy settings.

Step 7: Go to Security & Privacy

Step 8: Click on the lock icon at the bottom left and then on the Activate system extension button.

Step 9: Click on the shutdown button

Step 10:

Restart your Mac with reduced security. After the beep, press and hold the power button until you see the startup options. You will then see the startup options. Use "Reduced security". Go to Utilities > Startup Security Utility and select "Reduced Security". Select both checkboxes and click OK.

Select anAdmin user and click "Next"; then enter the password when prompted.

Step 11: Select the hard disk you want to reboot.  

Step 12: Select "Reduced security" and check the first option.  

Step 13: Enter your password.

Step 14: Shut down your Mac.

Step 15: After restarting from recovery mode, open the system settings and go to "Security & Privacy".

Step 16: Click on the lock icon and click on the "Allow" button

Step 17: You will be prompted to restart your Mac one more time. Press the Restart button.

Last step: Start with the SecureSafe desktop app

What do I have to configure on my Mac to activate Deep Links in the Finder?

Since macOS Monterey, quick actions in the Finder must be explicitly released. This also applies to the SecureSafe function Deep Links. To do this, proceed as follows:

  • Open "System preferences"
  • Go to "Extensions" and select "Finder"
  • Now activate "Share SecureSafe Link"
How do I enable and use Mac Touch ID on my desktop app?

Note: Please note that Touch ID must be activated on your Mac and in the SecureSafe settings.

To configure Touch ID in your SecureSafe App, proceed as follows:

  1. Configure Touch ID on your Mac.
  2. Select "Use Touch ID" in the SecureSafe Desktop App settings.
  3. The configuration will be complete when you enter your password again the next time you log in.

Use Touch ID when logging in and to unlock the Password Safe

  1. After starting the Desktop App, a new message "Log in with Touch ID" appears. You can place your finger directly on the corresponding Touch ID device to log in.
  2. Alternatively, you can still log in with your password by selecting "Use password" in the pop-up and entering the password directly.
  3. Alternatively, select "Cancel" in the pop-up and you will be taken to the screen where you can enter your login and password. This option should be selected if you use several SecureSafe accounts with the same Mac user account.
  4. To unlock the Password Safe, you can also place your finger directly on the Touch ID device or enter the password.


Please download the recovery code for your SecureSafe account.

The recovery code is a document with a 36-digit code that allows you to access your account if you forget your username or password. You can find the recovery code in your SecureSafe.

There are files/folders in my SecureSafe folders that aren't synced. Why might that be?

You may have used an incompatible character in the files or folder name(s). Check to see if any of the following characters are used in a file or folder name and rename them if so:

  • / (forward slash)
  • \ (backslash)
  • < (less than)
  • > (greater than)
  • : (colon)
  • " (double quote)
  • | (vertical bar or pipe)
  • ? (question mark)
  • * (asterisk)
  • Dot at the end of the file name (.)

Also note, that the following file types are ignored by the SecureSafe Client meaning they will not be synced to your SecureSafe:

  • Name starts or ends with space or tab
  • Empty files (with size 0 bytes)
  • File and folder names with more than 128 characters
  • desktop.ini
  • thumbs.db
  • Thumbs.db
  • .ds_store
  • .thumbnails
  • Temporary Items
  • .trashes
  • .DS_Store
  • .Document Revision-V100
  • .fseventd
  • .apdisk
  • .svn
  • .htaccess
  • .securesafe.*
  • .*conflicted copy.

Furthermore, if you exceed the storage limit for your SecureSafe, all files you add to your local SecureSafe folder after this point will not be uploaded to your safe.

Will my files still be saved in my SecureSafe if I delete them from the local folder?

All changes that you make on your PC/Mac will be synchronised with your online SecureSafe account. If you have accidentally deleted a file, you will be able to restore it via the trash of your SecureSafe web app. The deleted file will be moved to the SecureSafe Web App trash when the desktop app synchronises. You may need to refresh your browser window to make the file visible in the trash. All files that you have deleted in the SecureSafe will be preserved in the trash until you empty it.

What are Conflicted Copies?

When two people work on the same file at the same time, it is not possible to determine, which version is more current. To make sure no edits are lost, the SecureSafe desktop app will save both versions, but only sync one. The other version will be marked with a name, time stamp and the extension “conflicted copy”. It will only be saved locally on the computer of the person responsible for creating it. This means that if a file with the name extension “conflicted copy” appears on your computer, you are responsible for merging the two files. Alternatively, you can rename your file and it will be synced normally.

A conflicted copy is created if:

  • two people work on the same document simultaneously.
  • two people create a file with the same name in the same folder.
  • someone leaves a document open in a program with autosave on and another person starts working on it.

The best way to prevent conflicted copies is to create a “Currently under edit” folder. Before you start working on any document:

  1. Sync all files to check that no one else is working on the document.
  2. Move it to the “Currently under edit” folder.
  3. Sync this change so your team members know someone is working on the document.
  4. Edit the document as desired.
  5. Once done, move it back to its original folder and sync all changes.
Data inheritance
What is data inheritance?

Data inheritance helps loved ones, who have lost a family member or a person close to them to manage important digital documents and login data, which belonged to the deceased. This way, the loved ones can delete or deactivate profiles of the departed from social media or other account.

How much time do the beneficiaries have to download the data?

Once the blocking period has expired, the assigned files and passwords are made available to the respective beneficiaries as downloads. Beneficiaries now have 90 days to download them. After this period the account will be permanently blocked.

What if the subscription has expired?

If a SecureSafe subscription has expired, the inheritance process cannot be triggered for that account. To trigger the inheritance process for an expired subscription, please contact

Will the beneficiaries gain access to my account?

Nobody can access your account. The files and passwords intended for the data inheritance are made available for download in a separate safe for each beneficiary. Beneficiaries only have access to this download.

Who receives what?

Your beneficiaries will only receive the files and passwords that you have assigned to them. Files and passwords that you have not assigned to anyone will not be shared.

Who triggers the inheritance process?

The person who received the activation code from you is called the activator. In the event of your death or loss of capacity, the activator enters the activation code at , triggering the probate process.

Will data be transferred immediately? What is the blocking period?

The files and passwords are not transferred immediately after entering the activation code. The blocking period (a security waiting period) must first elapse. During this period, you as the account holder can stop the inheritance process.

How do I activate the data inheritance function?

Once you have entered your own contact details, determined beneficiaries and assigned files and passwords, you can activate the data inheritance: in the settings, move the main switch to the “On” position with a click of the mouse.

Will the files be transferred immediately afterwards?

No. Now the function is only “on standby”. The inheritance process is only triggered when the person of trust enters the activation code – moreover, the blocking period must first expire before your data can be transferred.

What is the blocking period?

The blocking period is the period of time between entering the activation code and the data being transferred. During the blocking period, you can stop an inheritance process yourself by logging into your SecureSafe account.

What do I have to consider when setting the blocking period?

Choose a blocking period that gives you enough time to stop an inheritance process that has already been triggered – for example, if the inheritance process was triggered accidentally.

What is the activation code?

If you lose your password, you will need the recovery code to log in. This is only for you. The activation code on the other hand must be given to someone you trust; it is required to trigger the data inheritance process.

How do I pass on the activation code?

Download the PDF with the activation code, print it out and give the printout to the person of trust. If there is more than one person of trust, simply pass on the same activation code several times.

How does the automatic assignment work?

With automatic assignment you can assign all files and passwords to one or more beneficiaries with just a few clicks of the mouse. All files and passwords saved in the future will automatically be assigned to this beneficiary.

How can I deactivate automatic assignment?

By clicking on the on / off button (see right) for a beneficiary, automatic assignment can be switched off. All assignments for this beneficiary will be revoked and automatic assignment will be disabled.

Beneficiary and activator: what is the difference?

A beneficiary is the heir to the files and passwords assigned to him or her. The activator is a person of trust who triggers the inheritance process by entering the activation code. The activator and beneficiary can also be the same person.

What information is needed?

You must enter at least one beneficiary. A name, cell number and at least one email address must be entered for each beneficiary. The maximum number of beneficiaries depends on your type of subscription.

Why do I have to enter my contact details?

SecureSafe needs your contact information so that in the event the inheritance process is mistakenly or improperly triggered, you will be notified and able to react by logging into your account and stopping the inheritance process.

What information is needed?

In order for the data inheritance to be activated, you must enter your cell number and your email address. To be on the safe side, add a second email address.

How do I set up data inheritance?

Data inheritance helps loved ones, who have lost a family member or a person close to them to manage important digital documents and login data, which belonged to the deceased. This way, the loved ones can delete or deactivate profiles of the departed from social media or other account.

Questions about Team Safes
How can I share a link?

You have the option of sending a link to members of your own Team Safe.

By clicking on the link created, the Team Safe member is taken directly to the desired file.

You can choose whether the file should be displayed in Team Safe or downloaded directly.

How do I increase the shared Team Safe space?

If you would like to increase the shared storage, please contact us at and we will be happy to help.

How can I redeem a voucher for a team safe?

If you do not yet have a SecureSafe account, use the voucher to create a new account:

  1. Create a SecureSafe account via the following link.
  2. Download the recovery code as a PDF file and print it out.
  3. Choose your preferred subscription level. For a team safe, the FREE account will suffice.
  4. Now click on the golden “Private safe” button.
  5. Select Create from the drop-down menu that appears.
  6. Enter a team safe name and a nickname.
  7. Copy and paste your voucher code into the voucher code field, then select "Continue".
  8. If you need a billing document, select "Yes" and enter your company information.
  9. Choose your preferred payment method to complete your purchase.

If you already have a SecureSafe account:

  1. Log in to your SecureSafe account using your preferred browser.
  2. Click on the "Private Safe" button.
  3. Select Create from the drop-down menu that appears.
  4. Enter a team safe name and a nickname.
  5. Copy and paste your voucher code into the voucher code field, then select "Continue".
  6. If you need a billing document, select "Yes" and enter your company information.
  7. Choose your preferred payment method to complete your purchase.
How can I prolong / renew a team safe subscription?

To renew / extend one of your existing Team Safes, simply follow the steps below:

  • Log in to your SecureSafe account using your Mac/PC.
  • Select the dropdown menu in the upper left-hand corner and choose the team safe you want to upgrade or renew.
  • Go to "Settings" and then select "Upgrade/Renew".
  • Adjust the subscription duration as neeeded. The additional subscription will be added on top of already purchased subscription.
  • Select your preferred currency, then click “Continue”.
  • If you would like an invoice receipt, select “Yes”. Provide your company details in the form that appears, then click “Save”.
  • Choose your preferred payment method to be redirected to our payment system and complete your purchase.

If you would like to upgrade your shared storage quota, please contact us at We will be happy to help you.

How can I add more members to a team safe?
  • Log in to your SecureSafe account using your Mac/PC.
  • Select the dropdown menu in the upper left-hand corner and choose the team safe that you want to add more members to.
  • Go to "Settings" and then select "Upgrade/Renew".
  • From here, adjust the member count of your team safe as desired.
  • Select your preferred currency, then click “Continue”.
  • If you would like an invoice receipt, select “Yes”. Provide your company details in the form that appears, then click “Save”.
  • Choose your preferred payment method to be redirected to our payment system and complete your purchase.

If you would like to upgrade your shared storage quota, please contact us at We will be happy to help you.

Which different roles can one assign a team safe member?

You can assign the following roles to a team safe member:

  • Administrator
    An administrator has full rights to all files and documents in a team safe meaning he/she can view, download, edit, remove and add files. Furthermore, the administrator can add and remove members, as well as change the role of each member.
  • Editor
    An editor has full rights to all data in a team safe meaning he/she can view, download, edit, remove and add files. However, the editor cannot invite new members nor change the role and rights of existing members.
  • Viewer
    A viewer can only read and download files and documents in a team safe (using SecureViewer or mobile app access). He or she cannot edit existing nor upload new files to the safe. Moreover a viewer cannot edit, add or remove team safe members.
  • Restricted viewer
    A restricted viewer can only read documents (using SecureViewer or mobile app access), but not download these. This role can be assigned to protect sensitive content from a team safe from extraction. Moreover a restricted viewer cannot edit, add or remove team safe members.
  • Archivist
    An archiver can view, download and upload files, but not edit or delete them. With these permissions, this member will automatically treat a team safe as a so-called digital archive. However, strictly speaking, it is not a digital archive unless all members of the team safe are assigned the archiver role and you have requested SecureSafe to formally change the team safe into a digital archive.

An administrator of a team safe can always change the role and rights of another member. To do so follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your SecureSafe using your preferred browser.
  2. Select the desired Team Safe from the drop-down menu in the upper left-hand corner.
  3. Click the member’s icon in the left-hand side (illustrated by two silhouettes).
  4. Right click the name of the team member, whose role you want to edit and click “Edit”.
  5. In the window that appears, choose the appropriate role for the member in the drop-down menu labelled “Role”.
How do I accept a Team Safe invitation?
How can I invite a new Team Safe member?